Horse shit!!!!
Be careful where you are walking,you might step in a pile of horse dookie!!
The circle of crusty, unwashed, hard to reach shit residue that surrounds someone's asshole.
Brad: Yo, you finally tried tossing the salad with Michelle last night?
Tony: Hell no, that girl got a dooky ring! I ain't going in all that!
A painful, toe curling, vomit inducing, sweaty, naked shit. A shit that puts the fear of God into you. Spooks you, even.
“Dude last night I took the nastiest Spooky Dooky and I think I saw jesus”
“Damn bro, tf did you eat?”
Defication On your nanny or baby sitter out of sexual dezire
My Dooky-Nanny likes it dirty and smelly
The black kid who got adopted after he was born and grew up the same day and got a pet fish then littered and got the death penalty then was sentenced to death and escaped and got a drivers license then married Daishiki and hand built a house. Arch-Nemesis Is Quandale Dingle.
Jo: You seen Deshauwn Dookie?"
Mike: Yessir
A man that fucks another man in ass
I heard that you and Eric are Dookie dicks
When a corrections officer is making a round on his/her housing unit and looks in a cell and sees an inmate shitting in the dark
Damn, I was just making a round and 26 cell was taking a spooky dookie