Source Code

horse dookie

Horse shit!!!!

Be careful where you are walking,you might step in a pile of horse dookie!!

by FIREJACKER March 10, 2017

dooky ring

The circle of crusty, unwashed, hard to reach shit residue that surrounds someone's asshole.

Brad: Yo, you finally tried tossing the salad with Michelle last night?
Tony: Hell no, that girl got a dooky ring! I ain't going in all that!

by Will.B.Watching March 7, 2016

Spooky Dooky

A painful, toe curling, vomit inducing, sweaty, naked shit. A shit that puts the fear of God into you. Spooks you, even.

“Dude last night I took the nastiest Spooky Dooky and I think I saw jesus
“Damn bro, tf did you eat?”

by Abnormallylargemandrinorange May 5, 2022


Defication On your nanny or baby sitter out of sexual dezire

My Dooky-Nanny likes it dirty and smelly

by SupremeFemboy69 April 10, 2021

Deshauwn Dookie

The black kid who got adopted after he was born and grew up the same day and got a pet fish then littered and got the death penalty then was sentenced to death and escaped and got a drivers license then married Daishiki and hand built a house. Arch-Nemesis Is Quandale Dingle.

Jo: You seen Deshauwn Dookie?"
Mike: Yessir

by TheOneDudeWho'sTypingRightNow September 9, 2022

Dookie Dick

A man that fucks another man in ass

I heard that you and Eric are Dookie dicks

by Polk County florida May 25, 2022

Spooky dookie

When a corrections officer is making a round on his/her housing unit and looks in a cell and sees an inmate shitting in the dark

Damn, I was just making a round and 26 cell was taking a spooky dookie

by Doodiespoopy April 14, 2021