an Elliot is an absolute godsend.
He is so beautiful and handsome and cute and your gonna wanna kiss him all day long. He gives the best hugs, even if he doesn’t like hugs from other people, except you. He likes to hold your hand and kiss you :). He is the literal best man you will ever see. I hope to marry my Elliot.
“Who is he dating?”
“Oh, he’s dating Elliot. Lucky bastard”
a sad sad boy who copies other peoples homework and fucks there dogs his only friends are the dogs that he rapes because nobody likes him in real life, he looks like a cross between a sadistic baby carrot and a piece of kale that was left unattended in a backpack and then shipped to China.
Hey, look there's the dick fucker Elliot!
Elliot is the man upon who your faults will be judged. Elliot is gentleness and forgiveness of which no other deserves. Elliot sees you. Elliot is above all men. Elliot will hold a mirror up to your soul. He is always watching. Elliot knows.
Elliot is judgment and awareness.
Word used to describe a gay, selfish individual
Person 1: Man that Elliot is so gay
Person 2: I know right
they are probably the best person to exist, most likely has the same interests as u and u can marry them
Elliot is my beloved
cute, gorgeous and short. an Elliot is so loyal and will stay with you forever you are lucky if you have an Elliot they are perfect and amazing in every way. If you hurt an Elliot you'll be sorry. An Elliot has a lot hidden trauma but want to be there for everyone, be there for your Elliot because if they say they don't need help still be there for them. probably gay and hangs out with the sexy crowd but they are the most noticeable. they can dress so well you don't even understand how. an Elliot is just perfect never leave them.
Elliot is sexy and cute.
One of the most retarded people out there.
Person 2: yea he always whines