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The Boring Persons Myspace

"i'm too cool and mature for Myspace, so i use Facebook its like myspace but without the scene kids" - Lame

by Chazzy_D August 20, 2007

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Facebook is this really dumb online FAD that's starting to spread into the high school clique. It's sorta like the new myspace where the RANDOMEST people ask to be your friend. These people are people who you have no clue who they are OR they are people you only met like once or twice. It's like this REALLY BIG ego game where people try to amass the most amount of friends that they can have. Whoever has the most friends WINS! But what do they win? They win the title of BIGGEST ONLINE COMFORMIST IDIOT EVER!!! WOOT! GJ you DUMBASS! Anyways, because facebook is such an idiotic thingamabob, now if random people add you to their facebook, that means you have just been FACEBOOKED! It's like you just got smacked in the FACE. Except you got booked in your FACE! So now, facebook is like this term that means OWNED or BURNED or PWNED or FUCT!

You just been FACEBOOKED BIATCH!! Wut you gon do?? You WANT some of this?? Huh?? Well I just FACEBOOKED YOU MOTHER FUCKER!!

by jkwan September 26, 2005

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A means of communication through comments and status updates between people who have no actual desire to establish meaningful relationships with the individuals on their "friends" list in real life.

Status: Who wants to do something tonight?!

Comment: Fuck yeah let's get shittered and barf all over eachother! Oh wait, I just remembered I have to install my new toilet tonight. Sorry dude! Wanna facebook instead?

by RoyalA November 27, 2010

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Ultimately, its a new step away from the ever expanding MySpace in the networking industry that has put a choke hold on so many of today's younger (perhaps, older) internet users. No longer a factor of compulsory friend prioritising or a tool for ego boosting/reducing. In the creation of this, a much friendlier yet, simpler method of networking was introduced.

Taylor: Waaaa! I'm not in your top 8.
Andy: Oh, i'm really sorry, please don't delete me and post a threatening bulletin.
Frank: I don't even know what you dopes are talking about, i've got Facebook.

by [Your Name] November 18, 2007

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A less complicated Myspace for people who claim that Myspace was a waste of time, when really they just didn't know how to set it up.

Jason: "Wow sandy, you just got a facebook?, how do you like it"
Sandy: "It's great Jason. It's just like Myspace except without all the colors, music, apps, skins, addictions, and all around greatness."

by Justin Alsobrook June 14, 2008

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A newer type of website that reveals your last name to people and lets them know your state, city, and even school. It also includes crappy apps slow messaging system, owners who try to make it more like Myspace only it is MUCH MORE watered down basically a website that will always be Myspaces bitch and nothing more!

"Hey Ted wanna stalk that one hot chick in our History Class?"
"Sure Gage I just got a Facebook today!!!"

by Kyogre Steel December 11, 2009

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Facebook has one of the most ironic definitions because...

1.) A website DESIGNED FOR COLLEGE students to interact with one another and easily communicate on a friendly website.
2.) A website that teenagers use to post pictures of themselves doing stupid things not meant for the internet that COLLEGE WORKERS LOOK AT and then DENY YOU OF ADMISSION because of.

So basically a website originaly meant for helping college kids is helping people get denied from college. Ironyyyyy

Lopez: "I just got into Harvard! Now I'll make a facebook so I can freind-request all my classmates!"
Steve: "Dude, some college looked at my facebook and rejected me 'cause of all my pictures of me drinkin' booze!"

by Jaded Jam Sirens October 26, 2009

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