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oyster flu

when you get bad breath from going down on a not so clean women

DAmn!! you breath stinks.... really, I think I have a case of the "oyster flu" I went down an a chick that wasn't so clean last night.

by 1 slice November 1, 2017

Mom flu

Like the regular flu, but nobody cares.

When Mom had the Mom flu, she still had to get the kids ready, drop the kids off, vacuum, so laundry, pick up the house, pick up the kids, take the kids to basketball practice, make dinner, set the table, clean up dinner, give the kids a bath, get the kids ready for bed, and tuck the kids in.

by Someonejuicy March 1, 2018

Boos flu

A state where a Human catches a virus know as the boos flu (originating from animals). This virus cause one to laugh at any joke whether it's funny or not. Over time the laughter gets so out of hand that one's system can no longer take it and shuts down, therefore leading to death

Sophie got the boos flu last night, sadly her brain found humor at random times therefore leading to her passing

by Ozatech July 6, 2020

poppy flu

Dope-sickness. The constellation of symptoms that appear when a heroin addict stops using. Nausea, diarrhea, cramps, sweating, restless legs and anxiety.

“He was supposed to show up to work three hours ago! Where is he?!”
“Bro, he out wit dat poppy flu.”

by Themanwhobrokewallstreet December 18, 2020

Hacker flu

It's that thing that programmers have when they encpunter a bug but have no idea how to solve it. The only known cure for the symptoms is black coffee.

In advanced phases of this desease, the patient might try to smash anything that lies in front of them, it is advisable in these occasions to use cat videos to alleviate these intents.

The new coding tasks have been assigned; Hacker flu is about to erupt...

by kovg April 14, 2019

jug flu

Bad Hangover!

After I drank that bottle of Tequila, I had a bad case of the jug flu!

by Mexican Cobra July 23, 2008

Albrecht Flu

A common viral infection that causes a person to not answer their phone.

“Hey man have you talked to Jared?”
“No, i heard he caught a case of the Albrecht Flu!”

by Tdaddy21 May 11, 2021