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football hair

A hairstyle associated largely with African-American men who play American football; essentially a mass of long, haphazardly-done braids, it is somewhere between dreadlocks and cornrows. Sort of like hockey hair for black people.

I saw a guy walking down the street the other day. He was about 6'6" in a business suit with a serious case of football hair, and I had to seriously resist the temptation to ask him where he played.

by Lady Csyde February 24, 2008

22๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

football player

In high school, the people that deserve the least amount of respect, yet get the most. MTV brainwashed girls want to fuck them just becuase they're "hot". VERY few of them (about 10%) are cool and get along with everybody. The other 90% are stereotypical jocks: date only cheerleaders, hate everyone not on the team, are depressingly stupid, and act like complete asses.

Football players: giving "meathead" a new definition.

by Adrian June 21, 2006

432๐Ÿ‘ 304๐Ÿ‘Ž

College Football

First began as a sport in New Jersey c. 1869 between Princeton and Rutgers. The game is a unique blend of soccer and rugby with a distinctly American style. Today football played between universities, "college football," is the nation's most attended sporting event and contains far more pagentry, tradition, and soul than professional football.

Time to grab a beer, fire up the grill, open the tailgate, listen to the band, and enjoy America's REAL pastime....college football.

by FootballHistorian October 19, 2005

77๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž

football whore

a football whore is when a gurl who thinks football players are hot goes to the locker room an fucks all the players on the team (football whores perfer the starters)

OMG!!! i knew delilah was a football whore!

by pimp daddy dollars August 16, 2004

79๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž

Football Girls

Very rare, but badass ladies who will step up and show the boys how itโ€™s done. Theyโ€™re probably some of the most tough and talented female athletes that wonโ€™t take your sh*t. They work extremely hard to be the best, itโ€™s almost like they never get tired out because they will stop at nothing to be on top.

โ€œFootball Girls are honestly so tough. I play on the same team as one, she wonโ€™t take anyoneโ€™s sh*tโ€

by samshewbread March 17, 2018

11๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

the football factory

only the greatest film of all time, anyone who hasn't seen it must, has many words that they don't even use in London like jog on it also has words that have to definitions

"A snortin', boozin', barney of a film - totally infectious."

"A nose-bursting blow to the senses."

****, Andrew Woods, Loaded
What people say about the film

by Ian Parker November 1, 2004

26๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

total football

A football strategy that all players can play interchangeable. It is usually used by Dutch coaches.

Total football is really hard to play.

by nuka_cola October 24, 2009

9๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž