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A well-qualified and funny person you should definitively consider admitting into college!

"Wow, this applicant Gabi is not only very involved in extracurriculars but has good grades and is a valued member of her community, Accept!"

by gabivrose November 25, 2023


Gabi is the type of person that you can meet in an old point-and-click medieval fantasy video game called Oldschool Runescape. This type of person is usually in a group ironman team that leeches and barely plays.

Bro my teammate logs in once a week and has 100 total level, he's such a gabi

by deadiron July 7, 2022


A real dictator, for him everything lack of content. He wants to live in Modiin but will be stuck for life in Kfar Saba

Gabi is such a dictator!

by Bilbothehobbit October 7, 2020


A very pretty young lady. Kind and Caring and loves helping others. Usually Known for her beautiful curves, thick curly hair, and a gorgeous dark complexion, but she comes in many different varieties. Hates when her name is spelled "Gabbie, Gabby, Gabbiey, Gabbee, Gabeigh, etc." Everyone loves Gabi's confidence, and passion for what she loves. If you have a Gabi in your life, your lucky! You should keep her around, as she is a great friend. Maybe you will even date her! She's usually open-minded and is some form of Pansexual, once again though, she comes in many different varieties, that includes personality, sexuality, likes, dislikes, etc. Just get to know a Gabi! She will change your life.

Friend A: Have you seen the new girl, Gabi? SHe sweet and kind, and totally hot!
Friend B: No, but she sounds like a Charm.

by STANBABYBLUE February 20, 2019


hot dude has a big bum, big tiddies, and king and arshiya is in love. he is their boyfriend and likes molly. king has big diiiiiiiiick tasty. uwu. arshiya and me like to pounce on king RAWWWRRR.

Gabi and arshiya have sex in the park

by Arshiya pounces on you RAWRRRR May 24, 2022

Gaby Style

Where you give someone mad Gawk Gawk 3000, but before they nut, you shove a bunch of fries into their mouth that where also sucked off

Oh damn i just had the Gaby Style last night and holy shit it was mind blowing

by Budsworth April 9, 2022