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band teacher

1. A Band Geek's idol/hero
2. The person you almost called "Mommy" or "Dad"
3. The only teacher that stays from 6am to 5pm in the school
4. Your second Mother or Father
5. The only person you see all day at school

Band geek: I'm gonna go see the band teacher now...
Wanna be Band geek: Can I come!?!
Band geek: No Mrs.Mommmy.. I mean Mrs.Miceli said you have to join Band first!!
Wanna be Band geek: Band teacher shmand teacher Im going!!
Band geek: My mommy my mommy!!!! I mean uhhhh....

by Bandgeek17 September 9, 2007

34๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

jam bands

musical groups with a lyrical disposition towards preserves of all kinds.

by mike read August 7, 2003

62๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

band whore

A band whore is often confused with a groupie. While a groupie is a girl that sleeps with the band, a band whore is a girl that will sleep with the band, the road crew, managers, let explicit photos of her be taken, masturbate in front of said people, and do it all while sober.

That chick wearing too much make-up over there is a complete band whore.

by Ms. Anal Lubricant July 13, 2004

126๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž


when you have a narb or a regular boner and ur in a public place and u need to stand up, you put ur stiffy between ur stomach and ur waistband, and within a matter of 15-30 seconds,the sitffy goes away

beuler, please come up to class
'shit dude i got a boner, ill waistband'

miguel, please come down here
shit my moms calling and i got a boner
just waistband
o good idea

i love waist-banding

by k-trizzle July 24, 2006

46๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

marching band

The single most awesome thing in the high school world. NEVER date a girl from marching band because they are all connected to each other, and you don't have a chance with more than one.

Marching band is so so damn good.

by Hanz, but not franz June 1, 2005

108๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž

marching band

a group of students with instruments that march in various formations during pre-game and/or half-time while playing aforementioned instruments

band members are subject to hear such phrases from the band director as...

1. "feet on the beat, feet on the beat"
2. "pick up those knees!!!"
3. "that's not attention!!!"
4. "this is a marching band, NOT a walking band!!"
5. "keep those bells up!! you're not waiting for a bus!!"
6. "left! left! left!"
7. "this is a fight song, not a lullaby!!!"
8. "come on, row that boat!!!"
9. "posture people, POSTURE!!!!"
10. "ARRGH!!!!" (and other crazy-pirate sounding yells)

in addition, students may hear various words and/or phrases from other students, such as yelling, chanting, and various profanities

the marching band's lines were horribly crooked during its pre-game routine.

by band.dances.are.amazing October 19, 2005

365๐Ÿ‘ 150๐Ÿ‘Ž

Myspace Band

1. A band whose popularity comes from their popularity on myspace.com, thus lacking any REAL credibility in today's music scene. This lack of credibility comes from the simplicity through which their popularity is achieved: record songs with decent sound quality, take some pictures of yourself, and add as many friends as possible. This formula thus saturates the music scene with hundreds of thousands of bands that will never make it. Those that do, will have no lasting value. These bands typically will eventually replaced by a newer, more hip, band (See also: flavor of the week).

2. A band followed typically by only the "myspace generation"

Myspacer1: "Brah, I'm telling you,(insert name of current flavor of the week band here) will be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame one day."

LogicalGuy: "That myspace band, or any other myspace band for that matter, will ever be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame"

by LRbg December 15, 2008

27๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž