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wow iphone

A reaction to being gifted an epic iPhone

Bob: here take this iPhone

Rob: wow iPhone

by enlargedguacamoleniggapenis January 27, 2021

iPhone 9223372036854775807

a iPhone that doesn't exist, but will exist after the sun explodes

Person 1: What is iPhone 9223372036854775807
Person 2: A phone that will never exist.

by cutefloof999 August 25, 2023

iPhone 12

iPhone 12 is a phone made by Apple, announced with other phones and HomePod mini.

they announced iPhone 12 on October 13

by HKPradil October 23, 2020

iPhone Pancake

An iPhone Pancake is a falsehood , a bad simulation, something that is either too good to be true or scary, too bad to be true. Or, something that is not what it seems. The description comes from the iPhone ads for the iPhone XS where a planet is depicted on the screen and it looks like a pancake because of the angle of the phone in the picture.

My mom got this email saying she owed the IRS $30,000. I checked it out it was a total iPhone Pancake.

Man, I met what i thought was this super hot girl last night at the Reggie's party, we went to her place and we got naked and she turned out to be a guy! A total iPhone Pancake!

by Torbert October 19, 2018

Iphone alarm

The most annoying sound you could wake up too, but a useful annoying sound because this shit will wake you up.

Dave: *sound asleep*

Iphone alarm: *gose off*

Dave: AHHHHHHH... oh time for school

by microdog May 31, 2021

iPhone Sex

iPhone Sex is basically porn played directly on your iPhone via many web site i.e OneTapPorn. The web site One Tap Porn plays Porn videos in a YouTube fashion, allowing iPhone and iPod touch users to enjoy porn with out the need to download content and with the no porn allowed on the app store this is the ONLY way to get porn.

The best example for iPhone Sex is the the youtube of porn OneTapPorn.

by dubol September 26, 2009

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iPhone 4

The next phone by Apple. Its notoriously the only phone to "re-invent" the smartphone by reinventing what different features are called (lowering the bar). For Example "Video Calling" is "calling" that can only be done over WiFi. "Multitasking" is running multiple apps without actually running multiple apps at the same time. The Display is not only High Res, but its also a "Retina Display" which means its high Res too in addition to that, but still a washed out LCD.

The biggest features of them all tho, Apple's #1 feature, is what Apple calls "Engineered Glass". Its apparently used in Helicopters, trains, and is stronger than plastic. Whatever this "Glass" is its clearly a superior technology to that which is used in other phones. Oh yeah and its Recyclable.

Unfortunately Apple's method of gaining a competitive advantage by "lowing the bar" sort of backfired because it only makes other phones (Nokia, Blackberrys, Android) look better in relevance to the new "lower" standard Apple sets every June/July.

Starving Artist: "Hey did you know Obama uses an iPhone?"
Successful Business Man: "No wonder he can't run the damn country"

Communication Major: "Hey I just paid $299 for an iPhone 4 to downloaded iFart, now I can stream fart noises while I play doodle jump"
Business Major: "Hey I just got a six figure job and get a free corporate blackberry"

by TehSakMaster June 23, 2010

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