Source Code

Jacket on the bus

When you are on the bus, and a female (or male) puts a jacket over their hand, to hide them giving you pleasure with their hand.

Guy 1: So what did you do yesterday?
Guys 2: On the way home, some thot, gave me a quick, Jacket on the Bus.

by Dqaweserdrtgyhu9ijkpop[l[; February 22, 2018

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meat jacket

flesh; mortal coil; can also refer to artificial human, cyborg, or "skin job".

You can't trust those frackin' meat jackets. The milk of human kindness doesn't flow through their circuits.

by Rinibot July 12, 2008

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Jacket Fat

When you put on a really big jacket and theres exess material

Dude look, I've got jacket fat! ! !

by Str8jacketchick December 8, 2010

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jacket filler

Useless member on a uniformed staff team, will turn up to an event wearing company jacket. Hopefully noone will notice.

John is a jacket filler, we need 10 men on site we have 9. John can be the 10th keep him in the corner.

by Practicaldickhead August 8, 2018

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Stevie's Jacket

1. Something very old.
2. Something that speaks many languages

That geezer has been around since Stevie's Jacket.
He speaks more languages than Stevie's Jacket ser

by Big G Danbers March 20, 2008

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Jacket Dick

Typically on flimsier jackets, when you zip it up the zipper creates a fold, curve, or a bump that resembles a baby dick.

Man what's under your jacket? Is that a boner?
Nah, that's just a damn jacket dick

by ktbuggers March 31, 2011

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Death Jacket

1. The name for what occurs when one tells a joke (which the teller thinks will generate laughs) and no one laughs.

2. The name for what occurs when one hears a joke and does not understand the humor.

"..and the bartender says, 'why the long face?' Get it? Get it?" (silence, no reaction. Embarrassment.) "Err...death jacket."

by DeathJacket September 5, 2009

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