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Juggalo (n): Juggalo is the name for a group of people devoted to the band ICP, or Insane Clown Posse. Their population is made up primarily of shitfaced white trash whiggers who are so fucking myopic they believe they are part of a broad-based β€œfamily.” What they fail to realize is that their devotion to the fucktards that make up ICP demonstrates several things, among them: the IQ of a fucking houseplant; the willpower of a slut-fuck sorority bitch whose twat gets more traffic than the Autobon; the social stamina of an albino midget with no hair and no dick who spends afternoons country dancing at fucking rest home; the class of an African American gigolo who wears chinchilla vaginas and bling made out of shitty plastic while attending a Grammy’s after party he broke into by fucking a 13 year old boy; the courage of some sad cocksucker who feels brave when he rapes toddlers during nap time at a daycare.

As you can see, juggalos are cum-gurgling jizz mops. I hope ISIS invades our nation, captures them all, and makes them watch each other get fucked up the ass with bayonets as their organs bleed out through their fucking mouths.

Do not be a juggalo. Ever.

Hey, look, that juggalo is getting gang raped by a bunch of towel-head camel jockies. Should we help him? Naw, let’s help ISIS fuck him harder.

by Thatguy6969 October 13, 2014

2πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


a follower of the icp or insane clown posse. a Psychopathic person with no fear of anyone no matter what. a person that will cut your fuckin head off if you try them because killing is their hobby.a juggalo is a wicked clown all in all who a lot of people hate because they can never amount to a juggalo and a juggalo dosent give a shit about them thats why the sane people or scared of the insane. juggalo bitch

the juggalos where wicked clowns that disturbed sane living for ever. they cut of heads.cut off fingers and stick them in victoms mouths. they will kill for the fun of it because they are insane

by insane wicked clown infamous May 24, 2010

21πŸ‘ 77πŸ‘Ž


Cool Bad Asses that people misunderstand because they are ignorant douchebags. They are NOT a cult, they aren't All wiggers, there is just some bad seeds in the FAMILY. STFU Haters WOOP WOOP

Hater: I Hate ICP They Suck
Juggalo: Ignorant Douchebag Shut the fuck up before you get knocked the fuck out.
*Hater Pisses Pants*

by zachary978 December 13, 2009

21πŸ‘ 78πŸ‘Ž


A person who listens to psychopathic records and can understand the messages hidden into the music.

Guy 1: You see that juggalo over there?
Guy 2: Where?
Guy 1: He's wearing pysychopthic records.
Guy 2: I see him now.

by suicidalclown December 19, 2009

18πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž


A normal human being who listens to Psychopathic Records and various other types of music. Following the belief that there is evil in the world and living a true "Juggalo" life will end up in Shangri-La(Juggalo heaven). Juggalos are not trying to impress people, they don't give a damn about what society has to think of them. They are unique individuals. Juggalos are not evil, children of the devil, and do not all commit acts of violence. Juggalos come from all types of classes, you can have high school drop outs, or straight A students, rich families, and poor families. Juggalos do not judge a person for who they are, including non-Juggalos. Being a Juggalo does not make you part of a gang, cult, etc. The face paint is NOT part of gang relations, it is a way for people to see the true Juggalo. Being a true Juggalo means you are part of a FAMILY. A family who supports everything you choose to do. A family with the same beliefs and different interests. Juggalos have seen life from every perspective, they don't worship ICP, Twiztid, Etc. They worship God.

"Dude, why does that guy look like that?"
-"He's a Juggalo. He's part of the Juggalo family."

by Wicked.Klown.Luv June 7, 2011

5πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


One that follows the Insane Clown Posse or any Hatchet House (Psychopathic Records) artist. One that does not fuck farm animals, but one who is against dumbass, woman beating, bigots. Anyone that commits an act of murder against another in the name of the Insane Clown Posse, is not a follower but a misguided youth, they do not know the true message that the Insane Clown Posse is trying to give. Their music may sound twisted and unintelligible but the message is there, the message of hate; hate that is for redneck, sister fucking assholes. Most may not like the Juggalo Family, but what those idiots don't know is that most Juggalos come from a good home, go to school, and have good jobs. some Juggalos choose to go to college, raise a family, and pass love to everyone they meet.
The Insane Clown Posse has a message for everyone, but some are just to blind and ignorant to see the love that the Insane Clown Posse has for everyone, Juggalo and non-Juggalo alike.

By the way, for anyone that likes Eminem, look up the real reason for the clash between him and the Wicked Clowns. You will be surprised to know he made a poster for one of his first shows in Detroit that said the Insane Clown Posse will be there, the Insane Clown Posse told him that he should have asked first them before hand.

you may bash me for what i follow and how i view the Wicked Clowns, but i have no hate for you because anyone that hates for no reason is a misguided fool, MMFWCL

ICP, Twiztid, Boondox, Anybody Killa, Axe Murder Boyz, Dark Lotus, Blaze Ya Dead Homie, Esham, Jumpsteady, Zug Island. Im a juggalo and people hate me for no reason, they hate me because i follow the Wicked Clowns, that i see through to the other side of hate, they hate me for yelling WHOOP WHOOP, and showing Clown Love to all i meet, for passing messages with MMFWCL in them.

by Juggalo4Sure March 22, 2010

21πŸ‘ 81πŸ‘Ž


Someone who is frequently misjudged by over judgmental immature pricks.

The preppy sophmore claims all juggalos are fat greasy fucks.

by Smarterthenyou616 December 2, 2009

19πŸ‘ 72πŸ‘Ž