Source Code

fort knife

When people choose to mock Fortnite and Say "Fort knife"

1. Everybody plays Fort-knife these days
2. "Do you play Pub-g?" No I play Fort knife

by Turtles R awesome July 1, 2018

Toaster Knifing

A sexual act where you carefully insert pop its fireworks into a condom you are wearing, so that when you stick you dick in, it causes them to all explode from the pressure against them. Much like the explosion created by jamming a knife into a toaster

Person: β€œMe and my girlfriend tried toaster knifing last night. It was painful but she says she wants to do it again”

by Stupidtiredidiotmoron October 29, 2022

Irish knife

(n.) The predictably jagged top half of a recently broken glass bottle held at the neck by the wielder.

Mickey called Paddy's sister a whore from Revere so Lenny grabbed a bottle of Jameson; made an 'Irish knife' on the bar; and held it under Mickey's nose and made him apologize. Then they all made their peace and went out to beat up some smart kids from Harvard.

by Pauly M November 1, 2006

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Knife game

A game where people want to lose a finger or a hand. They are eather really edgy or emo. But who are I to judge

That' knife game is fun

by Knife game master November 5, 2016

7πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Flick Knife

British slang for switch blade.

Dont you pull that bloody flick knife on me you arse face!

by The man with a huge gun November 9, 2010

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Verb; For use mainly in regards to sports or sporting events where a losing team manages to come from behind and win in an unusually spectacular fashion.

The Lakers were losing terribly in the first half, but knife-dicked their way to win the game in the final minutes of the 4th quarter.

by Paul Michaels November 16, 2010

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Pork knife

1. A word used to take place of the word penis.
2. A knife used to cut pork.

Ha! his pork knife is only 2 inches long!

Man, that pork knife is very sharp.

by Fetus Bomber November 4, 2004

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž