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Middle Sibling

The forgotten being known to be made before the Younger Sibling and after the Older Sibling. this being is either to young or old to do things the the younger sibling or older sibling desire. yet many middle sibling are known to be depressed or forced to do the older sibling and younger sibling's chores.

Never forget the middle sibling

by BlainaCipher May 30, 2019

7πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Lithonia middle

The most ratchet school in Georgia. Where the fakest ppl go n the special kids are. If yuh want yo dick sucked then go there.

Did yuh hear bout that girl who sucked Kari dick?

Yeah, she goes to Lithonia middle. Kari a fuckboy

by 1realassmf February 15, 2019

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middle village

a town in the middle of queens , by which the population consists of guidos and white kids who try to act "gangster".many people try to earn " street cred" by calling middle village "murdaville" .all the teens are either sluts or pimps. they hang out in a PARK or at phillies....(real gangster ..huh). many of the parents paied for their children to graduate from one of the most retarted schools ever olh. so basically...middle village is a shit hole with a touch of howard beach wannabees.

" yo homie , why all these kids be trying to act gangsta??"
" its middle village son."

by liberty kids July 28, 2006

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middle earth

A place to plow pussy

Yo man i just plowed Rajs moms pussy down to middle earth. Holla!

by MotiG January 8, 2007

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monty middle

A fucked up middle school 6-8 where it's cool to smoke weed and have sex. Pregnancy scares are a thing and depression is cool. The girls are all slutty and theirs always drama. The fuckboys arent even hot, because there are literally no guys who are hot. Like 2, maybe. The principal has his head up his ass and all the teachers want to be the cool teacher. Be prepared for weird ass team names such as 'The Royal Blue Narwals'. Ask.fm will plague this school, spilling all the popular kids secrets, who have adopted a multitude of nicknames over the years. The most common one to hear is 'pb' for 'popular bitch'.

She goes to monty middle? She must be fuuuucked up.

by bitch5678 December 2, 2016

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middle school

Land of the dumbasses, and the home of the thots.

There’s always gonna be that one slut in Middle School.

by Rabbid W. Bush October 31, 2017

Middle School

Staff that likes to suspend you for the most stupid and harmless shit ever (things like dancing, walking too fast, etc.

Teachers that won't stop shoving 10 pounds of homework down your throat.

The actual students. We have 9 types: The prep, jock, nerd, geek, social outcasts, post-pubescent, cool guys, teacher's pets, and bullies.
Prep: Spends money on middle school, get the best grades, etc. All around not too bad.
Jocks: The guys who don't know sh*t other than football.
Nerds: The snitches, to put it simply. Always get 100's in everything, and really like snitching on other people for no apparent reason.
Geeks: Personally, this is my favorite type. These are the guys that get fairly good grades, have really cool hobbies, and aren't social outcasts (nerds, we're looking at you). Fun to hang with.
Social Outcasts: The people who either don't approach anyone themselves, or no one approaches them, for varying reasons. Most likely found in the media center reading to their heart's content.
Post-pubescents: People who have no business being in middle school with how mature they are.
Teacher's Pets: Think of the nerd, only 100 times worse, and minus the good grades.
"Cool" guys: The people everyone hangs out with. Usually self-centered neurotics.
Bullies: No explanation necessary, only be prepared for things infinite times worse than in elementary. Also, 75% of them are black girls picking on scrawny whites for no apparent reason. To be assholes, I guess.

Person 1: I want to blow up my middle school.
Adult 1: I feel you. Middle school was bad for me, too.
Adult 1: 0__0

by A Potato-loving Cactus February 18, 2016