Any type of fucked up, mis shaped or malformed chord played by the nearly legendary axe murderer and Eric Clapton look a like amateur guitar players
Ste, what's that fucked up chord you're playin? "it's a Ste Minor.....I just invented it"!
Outertale: Undertale but in space, duh.
Horrortale: Undertale as a horror story.
Mafiatale: Undertale as a cowboy story.
Glitchtale: Undertale as an anime story.
Underpants: Undertale as a fun sitcom.
Underfresh: Undertale for the hippies.
Fanfictales: Generic undertale worlds.
Batter's World: The setting of the game 'OFF' when the batter goes on a quest to purify the world. It was revealed to be a wacky test world created by W.D. gaster.
* Notes: Crossover worlds don't exist. *
There are many minor undertale worlds.
An autistic fuck who only uses small children for head so that way he can make himself think that he doenst have a micropenis!
Nathan minor was sentenced to day for pedophilia of a small girl.
The clout that a minority receives in a school, workplace etc. where minorities are not plentiful
Bro I got minority clout, I can get you some weed
when you are a minor and like someone over 1 year younger than you
Did you see Logan preform Minorism on Elaina, they are 2 years apart on age
A loose minor, is an underage individual, who is "loose" or available for the taking😏 Not spoken for or vulnerable for purchase.
"Dude, did you see Brayden at the playground today? He is SUCH a loose minor"
A loose minor is an underage individual who is unprotected, vulnerable, and available for purchase.
"Dude, did you SEE Brayden at the playground today? He is SUCH a loose minor."