Dog owner who walks their dog on a lead in an area were it's very common for dogs to be off lead (dog park, large fields, woods)
Lead Mongs are often poor dog owners often walking nervous or aggressive dog displaying weak body language the dog picks up on.
We got to lead him for a second there is a lead Mong ahead.
Mong peng is a Cantonese word and is often use to describe someone who is blur and stupid.
Nei dong Ngor hei Mong peng? You think I'm stupid?
A Chinese takeaway with an unfortunate name
Got a phat Chinese takeaway from Mong Kok last night
Will is a abosolute fucking mong and does not belong in group A more like group Z
Whose that fella speaking enchantment table?
- Oh yeah that just Will Mong
When someone is a dirty mong, they are known for living in tents and having very hairy posterior dimensions along with being very bad at video games due to their low IQ.
Dirty mongs are compulsive liars and love to make up lies about their friends and fake scenarios which never happened.
Coby: "Have you heard Dylan finally got his new drone and sniffing salts?!"
Me: "Ugh that dirty mong is at it again, don't believe any of his filthy lies, the dirty tent inhabitant"
Dylan: "When I was 4 years old I fell off a mountain while me and my uncle were hunting for wolves after we finished watching the local sumo wrestling tournament"
Everyone: "Shut up you dirty honking mong you're so annoying lad fuck me"