If you want to move through a tight crowd, just start retching and gagging like you're going to vomit. Never fails to part a crowd. The Puke Moses.
How can we get out of this packed crowd nobody is moving?
- Puke Moses your way through
I meant to say that. Goddamn it.
Hym "Carve my decree into a little girl like the tablets of Moses. I forgot to add the tablet part. It was super important and I forgot it. More important then your kids lives actually."
Slang for a man whom doesn’t accept a child or a man that looses his woman to his family
I feel bad for him Marco Moses ruined his life.
I can’t believe Marco Moses doesn’t like her she is an angle how far are you?
Is a absolute tit. He often takes unpaid leave from work to sip on that purple drank
Wow look at that Moses marnes he stinks dirty sprite
Is fucking badass & calls Mexicans MOJos and Wet Backs
"Moses stone said "Shut the fuck up Wet Back
The sothern Illinois version of saying "holy shit". Usually said by 40+ yr old men with shaved heads often named R...o..b..b..i..e with "-ie" in the end not "-y". Work at banks or something like that.
Girl, she be like " 200 men in Illinois dont earn $10,282 a year...OMG!"
R..o..b..b..i..e, he be like "JOLLY MOSES!!..!..!" (he be throwing some candy at that girl.)
Jesus, he be like "HELLOOO!"
I got you now you stupid bitch
Hym "So, in Exodus 17 God tells Moses to strike the rock to make water come out. And it does. In Numbers 20 God tells Moses to speak to the rock and then Moses disobeys God and strikes the rock and THIS TIME it doesn't work. So Moses
✌️✊️✌️USES FORCE✌️✊️✌️ the first time AND IT WORKS and then TRIES IT AGAIN and it doesn't work. So it isn't Moses striking the rock. It isn't the use of force = punishment by God. Jordan Peterson = full of shit and is lying to make it seem like God is against the use of force. What God DOES SAY about the use of force is that if you force yourself of a woman you have to take her on as property and marry her. THAT is what God says about force. Not Jordan Peterson's thing. He's full of shit. I'm NOT full of shit. They are trying to manufacture my failure because I suceeded radically to spite their God. The religion is an incest cult. I'm better than everyone."