A likeable larger than life character who looks after the folk around them with a skip and a smile.
Bit of a tit tho.
Your a bloomin Mush-tard
To humiliate another by open palmed pushing into said person's face. More degrading than bitch slapping.
He was being a bitch, so I just mushed him....What a pussy. I knew he wouldn't do anything.
mush is a very special food that consists of cous cous, chocolate sauce, spinach and custard. It is man kinds greatest invention and a world delicacy. Elon Musk and Season 1 El Hopper eat it space.
The best breakfast EVER. It's overnight oats that taste like dessert and also like heaven.
Somehow, dessert is now for breakfast. I'm #OBSESSED.
Have you tried MUSH?! It literally changed my life.
That kid Gavin is a fucking mush when it comes to fantasy football and betting.