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technoblade never dies

Aerosmith - Dream On

"dream on, dream on, dream on, dream until your dream come true".

me: stage 4 cancer

by niglet447 November 24, 2022

15πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

I never thought

U didn’t think of sumthin and then someone tells u sumthin and then u like ohhh I never thought

Jarod : hey gurl did u see the new episode last night I thought the bitch was gon get raped

Monica: ohhh I never thought

by Thick mamba July 30, 2018

9πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

never broke again

A lifestyle and brand originated in Pittsburgh’s Hill District. It’s a way of life, financial stability not to go broke again.

I am never broke again.

by R.C.Hawk March 4, 2018

19πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

Never made whoopi

Fat virgin friend

That dummy has never made Whoopi

by Yupyupyuptyptyotpyotly September 9, 2020

A hamster never forgets

A popular saying in Memphis Tennessee," A hamster never forgets." Meaning you will remember what a person has said or done just like hamsters who are known for having a good memory.

A hamster never forgets because they have a good memory.

by Dirty hamster July 16, 2021

the city that never stirs

New York in the grip of the pandemic

Silent and empty, The City That Never Sleeps had swiftly become The City That Never Stirs.

by Monkey's Dad March 22, 2020

Caterpillar that never hatches

When someone is punched in the dick so hard it comes through the Anus and sticks out the prolapsed anus like a cocoon.

I will give you a caterpillar that never hatches

by Sec8 July 16, 2022