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A Person Who Identifies As Ken

Nics Is Throwing A lot Of Shades

by Likkle Miss Morris February 28, 2025


Nic is a pleb nic has not many friends and is addicted to staying inside. Nic loves sport but has a fetish for faking injures. Nic sport team loves him he is a good guy. Nic can often be gay and like looking at memes.

Nic is a hermat crab.

by Amanwithhair May 10, 2018


it means nicotine

mf 1: nic ain't a drug.

mf 2: fr nic got a different vibe.

by idkmf_64 January 14, 2023


Mc. Someone who's not afraid and has 0 friends

Wow did you see that kid run out the party? Yeah, he's a true Nic.

by Kevonte aka nic January 24, 2017


Nic is a very muscular individual you'll be lucky to meet. A nic Is usually above the average height with blonde hair and blue eyes. A Nics favourite activity to do is climb mountains and stay in English class late.

"Do you see that blonde hair very muscular guy on Mount Ruapehu?"

"Yes I do he is most definitely a Nic"

by BARACKTHE3RD November 22, 2021



Bro pass the nic

by Fjckvj October 17, 2018


Bad guy. Real bad

“Who spells Nick without a K?”
“A bad guy that’s who”

by Bootie eater August 17, 2018