Source Code

Nuggy Night

Nuggy Night is when you and your friends go to a fast food place and buy at least more than 30 chicken nuggets at night.

Joe: Wanna get some chicken nuggets?

Franklin: Yeah, I can go for some nuggy.

Angel: NUGGY NIGHT!!!!

Joe: yessiree.

by Ayalayessir828 June 3, 2020

Orgasmic night

Masturbating on a lonely night. You want to get some, but you can't, so you settle for an Orgasmic Night alone.

Zoey was lonely, so she ended up having an orgasmic night.

Adrian wanted to get some, but couldn't so he settled for an orgasmic night.

by bamboozley November 15, 2009

Night Fury

The night fury is a dragon from the movie franchise How To Train Your Dragon. Only one of them actually exist and it is the main character’s best friend. They are black and rather small in comparison to many other dragons. They have a huge winspan and have green eyes. Their attacks are plasma balls which light up the night sky when shot. They have stunning accuracy and are also extremely intelligent

Where’d ya get that Night fury?

Oh, I just found him down Raven Peak.

by StarCutie27 November 27, 2018

Night Swords

When two or more men go outside in the middle of the night and then proceed to cross their urine streams. There is no loser, everybody always wins.

Andrew: Hey Curtis, Why are you so wet?
Curtis: Oh, Pat and I were just playing a short game of Night Swords, and it got a bit out of hand.

by Lord Sparkles August 27, 2012

Branch Night

A night out at the Longbranch in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

"Hey Matt! Wanna do a Branch Night on Thursday?"

by Island_Snow79 May 10, 2008

Penis night

The evening in which the bois get together to talk about many topics including bodily fluids.

Sam are you going to penis night?
I can’t bel Sam couldn’t make it to penis night

by Ok ok yeeeeeeeeeee June 3, 2019

Night Battle

The term "Night Battle" is used to describe intimate physical relations between a human and a KAN-SEN. The term was first used by the YouTuber Doujingod78 in his video detailing the legality of sleeping with a ship girl from the popular Japanese gacha game "Azur Lane."

The video in question concluded that it was indeed very illegal to have physical relations with a ship girl.

Takao: Where have you been going on Wednesday nights Atago? Its beginning to affect your abiltiy to attend training on time.

Atago: Oh, I have been training Takao. The Commander has been gracious enough to engage with me in some Night Battles, hehe~

by The_Infinite_Void January 8, 2023