Baddie Beanie
The definition of Regina Hernandez Gomez, an amazing beautiful friend. She is kind and has a dog named Vin Vin. People say Baddie Beanies older sister Bestie Elisa is hot.
“Hey have you met that yummylicious babygworl?” “Oh are you talking about baddie beanie?” “YEAAHHHHH”
a beanie is someone who is completely flawless and beautiful in every way. She will always have your back and be there for you in any situation. You would be extremely lucky to have a beanie as a best friend because they’re extremely rare. Bean is really funny and makes you laugh 24/7.
“ wow you look like a beanie today ! so pretty “ saïd izzy
She's well tick beanies, innit!?!
Go get her digits, blud!
When you nut on the top of a mfr's head.
"Yo, she said not to get it in her face so you KNOW I had to give her that Cream Beanie "
a hat used to hide keys with, possibly even used to stow away other small objects.
usually kept in a coat pocket, can be worn on head when not in use.
man, I cant find my scale is it with your keys?
Where, in a magic beanie I carry in my pocket?
Oh so frothy fromagè of the labial love flaps with a complex thrusty cheese blue vane of sour curtains that suffocates your face and warms your ears.
This hot chick did a Canadian Beanie on me last night and now I have an itchy tongue