Embrace this concept whenever you want to say something that will make things worse
Seth: "Hey! You know what? I think that your choice of food for this party. - interrupted by Blake"
Blake: "Normalize shutting the fuck up! I love free food and so should everyone."
Seth: "Why am I such a miserable twat?"
Blake: "Keep talking! That makes sense...ha!!!"
Some who is other than normal but in a good way
“Dont compare yourself to normal people Miha”
“Did you just call me abnormal??! 😡”
“No, I meant you are differently normal 🥰”
A Normal Cookie is a cookie that is normal, that's no special thing about it. Which is exactly what make it special. So it's special while being not; the first creation of God and some would say The Greatest.
P1: 'What's a Normal Cookie?'
P2: 'It's a Cookie that is Normal'
P1: 'What's Normal'
P2: 'I don't really know'
Climate normal is the normal fluctuations of temperature and season as the earth rotates daily during a yearly transit of the nearest star with including significant fluctuations in distance, solar wind, energy release and magnetic shielding. With additional effects of gravity from the moon.
I woke up this morning and it was colder that it was this after noon, it’s climate normal.
normal but snazzy refers to the way in which an average person becomes a cooler kind of normal.
e.g) they aren't as average as everyone else and have a uniqueness to them that makes them stand out.
people who are normal but snazzy often have a passion in the creation and growth of sea monkeys and are often a virgin due to the lack of socialisation to the outside world, the sea monkeys are often grown as a replacement for a friend as people who are normal but snazzy are often very lonely. due to this loneliness they are found watching the Lorax in their free time.
person 1: hey look at that fucka, that kid is normal but snazzy.
person 2: bet ya the kid is a virgin.
person 1: i bet ya the kid has a whole family of sea monkeys.
person 2: yeah probably watches the Lorax with the sea monkeys.