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A man or lady that participates in gossips,beef,dares and snitching behind someones back,and can not admit to it when confronted

Johnny, stop being a bitch!,and tell me to my face ,all that you said behind my back since you had all that energy then.

by CheeneeEvol November 22, 2018

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That bitch

If a person is That Bitch and your friends with her than your lucky. Those Nitches are the absolute best! Intellectual, beautiful, badass women who know how it’s done are the best! Everyone needs a β€œThat Bitch” or there not living

Andrew: I don’t have a that bitch

Adam: Than you ain’t living you little shit.

by Sophie Lou Jameson August 23, 2019

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a weak, impotent punk ass male or any guy who would do something that a man (culturally appropriate) wouldn't do.

he beats up on women cos his bitch ass couldn't take on a man.

by i_did_ur_daddy_n_i_loved_it March 17, 2007

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a bitch

yo mama

who is a bitch? Yo mama.

by Th3D1vi5ion November 16, 2020

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1. Beautiful Individual That Creates Haters
2. A female dog.
3. One who acts like a female dog.
4. A person, usually a female, who is often annoying or rowdy.
5. One who won't shut their damn mouth.

Sara! Stop yelling at me your acting like a total bitch.

by xBlueEyedBiitch December 20, 2010

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(1) An extremely harmful term used to refer to the female sex. Often interchangeable with woman.

(2) A sexist slur used to demean a person by equating them to a woman.

(3) A woman who does not bow down to the every word and whim of men. Usually louder, more assertive, and more aggressive than patriarchal society would prefer a female to be. Simply put, a woman who behaves like a man.

(1) "I love bitches!"

(2) Tom: "Hey man can you give me a hand with this box?"

Joe: "No. Don't be such a bitch."

(3) Man: "Yo ma what's good?! Mmmm that ass is lookin fiiiine today!"

Woman: "Go fuck yourself."

Man: "Did you hear how that girl talked to me? What a god damn bitch!"

by My black cat is German December 17, 2013

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Ronnie Brown of Uptown Philly

Even though Kiana clearly stated she wanted him, he was a bitch and refused to talk to her.

by Some boul December 15, 2014

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