Source Code


OwO, What's this?

Person: insert something questionable
Random dude: OwO, What's this?

by Furrop January 8, 2023


A person that enjoys the usage of OWO / UWU etc.

Ava : Hey Sasha, I love your outfit OwO
Bakar: Thanks owo
Ava: You're such an Owo-man

by Avalonea July 3, 2019

owo and sparkles

This is used whenever you want to ask if they love you.

"Hey, do you wanna be my owo and sparkles?"
"Who wouldn't?"

by trash birb person dude epic April 20, 2019

OwO / UwU

ur probably a pick me or a furry.

Person 1: That game was so quick! OwO / UwU
Person 2: Don't.. don't use those bro..

by i fear myself 𖤐 January 16, 2024

Farts OwO

Use this word randomly. At random times. It's the most funniest thing to say. Esepcially in Max's 76th discord server.

Bro look at this guy, he is so ugly. Farts OwO

by POV: i seksd ur mom May 11, 2021

owo my uwu

touching someone's private parts

OwO my UwU is a definition from the Furry Fandom

Person 1: "Did you see his uwu?"
Person 2: "Yes, i wanted to owo it!"

by gawowo July 1, 2021