Mythology taken too seriously.
If you really think about it, any religion (be it Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, or Hinduism, etc.) are really just ancient mythological stories such as ancient Greek or Native American legends. Only thing is, people take it much too seriously leading to mass conflict with differing religions.
18๐ 28๐
World's oldest chain letter that basically holds the message, "Run your life according to the good lord or burn in eternal hellfire where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth"
You must abide to religion! Or you'll be sorry on judgement day!
13๐ 19๐
A belief that there is more to life than what is immediately observable. Often includes one or more beings of omnipotent or nearly omnipotent powers. Originally created to explain why things happen and later maintained to create a moral code for people to follow. As less people believe in religions such as christianity, the need for it becomes less.
Her religion was that of a Taoist
19๐ 30๐
A state of belief in which mainly use to motivate people with stories.
Most religions motivate with good morals, some brainwash.
Religion is flawed, but because man is flawed.
You must interpret it correctly.
Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism are all examples of religion.
8๐ 11๐
The biggest bullshit ever created by men.
The religion of Christianity is bullshit, so is Islam and others.
14๐ 23๐
Religion is a failed attempt at understanding the natural world around us, why we exist and what the hell our purpose is.
Science may not be able to answer these questions, but that doesn't mean religion can instead does it?
Perhaps some questions simply don't have answers?
Grow up people!
17๐ 3798๐
Christianity isn't a cult, it's a religion I tell you. Look at the crusaders!
11๐ 17๐