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Rat slayer

One who slays rat.

I slay rat, therefore I am a rat slayer

by Rat king slayer July 27, 2019

Vampire Slayer

The greatest Half Life mod in existence.

Let's go play some Vampire Slayer.

by GothMongler September 27, 2007

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Demon Slayer

some anime that if u like enough you will automatically simp nezuko and think Demon Slayer is the greatest anime of all time

hey u saw demon slayer?

by bob_the_cop January 29, 2021

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Schlong Slayer

A man who's sex is considered great, also has a penis on the larger scale as opposed to a smaller one.

-Am i a Schlong Slayer?
- A who??
- Do i have good dick? Is my sex good?
- Oh yes you are a Schlong Slayer!!

by DosVons May 4, 2010

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Whale slayer

A dude that comes to a bar to fuck fat girls.

Look at that whale slayer that is here with the big girls.

by Brittjoe May 12, 2018

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Desi Slayer

Someone who only slays curry eaters. The smell of curry will eternally linger off of them.

Person 1:Yo how would you describe Jaad Arafat?
Person 2: Oh he’s a desi slayer, he likes to go around and taking all the Desi women

by Jaad the Desi Slayer July 6, 2022

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Poontang Slayer

A very select group of individuals
Usually hot

Wow look at they guy he looks hot

yeah he is a PTS (poontang slayer)

by booooobs1234 May 14, 2012

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