Politely say son of a bitch
You son of a biscuit
A group of middle aged parents that get together to cook and eat Norwegian food
Person 1- are you and the kids going to Sons of Norway tonight?
Person 2- you betcha
You go there expecting a family run place and you find it is all corporate. There is no there named John and no sons
Dude I tried that little place named John&son and there was no one there by that name. It's a corporate place.
The worst thing to say to sibling
Sibling 1: where’s my candy!?!
Sibling 2: I ate it
Sibling 1: you son of a bitch!
Sibling 2: …we have the same mom
When someone is snitching or u don’t want to say son of a bitch in front of a teacher say son of a snitch
“Kane ur such a son of a snitch.”