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bowling for soup

They are nicest bunch of guys anyone could wish to meeet! They kick ass!!

I have just met bowling for soup, "They are nicest bunch of guys anyone could wish to meeet! They kick ass!!"

by SOUPBOWLERKATIE September 7, 2003

404๐Ÿ‘ 144๐Ÿ‘Ž

man soup

a bunch of practically naked guys in a hot tub together.

lets go to the hot tub and make some man soup

by xxBACKOFFxx November 12, 2007

35๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


The Correct way to use the word "ASS SOUP" is to describe a place full of hot chicks, babes, hotties, hoes,squirrels or clams.

1." Dude. I went to the mall and it was ASS SOUP! "

by RICHARD ALVARADO February 1, 2008

43๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

soup time

a meme you write when your in lockdown for two weeks and you no fricking idea what to do in your sad misrable life

memematic: im bored and out of idea lets make a soup time meme

by is yeet a crme March 27, 2020

Soup Time

When your brain turns into soup when you start to learn new hard material.

Spanish Teacher: Alright class we will be learning how to conjugate past tense verbs today!

Student: Soup Time!

by R.I.P_Juice_Wrld November 19, 2019

Soup Man

A type of stereotype which is common within the Roblox Blood and Iron Community. They are very dangerous as they will MURDER you if you fall for their soup shop trap.

"Don't trust the Soup Man."
"Did the Soup Man just clutch?"
"Soup Man is round delaying!"

by Pauligon January 25, 2022

The soup theory

The theory that eating soup at lunch during school hours will get you cuffed

Everyone who had soup at lunch last week has a boyfriend by this week, the soup theory proved true

by Feminine mine December 9, 2017