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fluff talk

The filler conversation you do either when getting to know someone or when there is a pause in the conversation that makes people feel awkward enough to talk about the weather.

I was asking Drew questions about his life and he turned to me and said "I don't do fluff talk". It shut me up for the next 4 hours.

by Marlies May 31, 2008

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pillow talk

n. The conversation that happens after making out/sex. It's infinitely better than normal conversation because there's touching involved.

During pillow talk I asked him about his family.

by The Grammar Nazi June 12, 2002

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Talking Back

A stupidass comeback your parents use when you have a correct answer to a question or a way to desolate a situation.

"Wouldn't it be better if-"
"Don't talk back to me!"
"But I thought it-"
"I said stop talking back to me young man!"
"Fine, ill sto-"

by Lil_Worst March 28, 2020

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talk show

A Television program that shows alot of people talking about things that will never be retained by the human brain long enough to make any kind of substantial differance in our lives whatsoever.

Kristy? Did you see Oprah's latest talk show?...it was bout...umm...oh shucks i had it there for a second...now it's gone.

by James March 7, 2004

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Comment Talk

To carry out a conversation via a myspace comment; Usually while already talking to that same person on AIM.

Dude, i was comment talking with megan last, and she said she'd totally do me, and that was at the same time we were instant messaging!

by zac archer October 8, 2008

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Changing the order of words in a sentence as the Jedi Yoda from Star Wars would. It makes the sentences a drunk person speaks funnier and very laughable.

Dam that cats funny, he yoda-talks like no one else I know!

"Read the dirty magazines you will."
"Rubbed one out you have?"
"Young one failed, you have not"

by Biff Justice October 20, 2005

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talked home

When someone calls you after something that affects them, generally in a bad way, just to talk on their way home.
It is done for the companionship of being walked home when the person can't physically be there.

"thanks for talking me home from the pub last night, I was too drunk to get home on my own"
"I was talked home by my friend last night when I couldn't make it alone" "that was nice of them"

by AfroChewie December 24, 2009