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Thats so Alabama

Anything that is really gay/stupid/dirty/incest related or just in general, shitty.

Nick: Dude look at the faggot with a mullet and a confederate flag tattoo.

Sawyer: Dude thats so Alabama.

by DudeItsNickM August 26, 2010

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Thats you Buckbeak

A congratulatory statement said to anyone who just accomplished something. Can also be used as a means to encourage someone.

"Yeah buckbeak thats you"
"Thats you buckbeak"

by Dirtymike August 25, 2004

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Thats so mexico

somthing that is uber cool

dude that guys got 80 fingers!!

by zombie.kid December 8, 2006

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thats the gas

this phrase means that someone is ting you badly...but don't use it because it's retarded.

"so did you meet anyone last night"
"that's the gas!" see what I mean.

by elisa March 1, 2004

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thats soooo cheap

meaning its dumb, stupid, annoying, fake

Teacher- you got a 50% on your test
student- *in deep voice* thats soooo cheap

by ya yerp November 24, 2018

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oh thats nice

When you say that something is nice but in a sarcastic way, not meaning it but in fact meaning the complete opposite so saying "Oh that's nice" basically means that it's not nice, and that you don't like it.

30 Year Old: I just got the new collectors Derpy Retard Hooves collectors figure!
Me: Oh thats nice!
30 Year Old: I know right!
Me: Yeah :l

by Your Everyday Fan-Girl (YouTub April 26, 2016

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wow thats a game

when a game is so mediocre it is just a game

the bee movie the game wow thats a game

by im the ded man June 25, 2021

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