An immoral, sometimes completely uneducated example of the lowest level of human society. An extremely hypocritcal race often blinded by self-righteousness and idiocy. Tends to point fingers at others to divert attention from their own flaws. Will use any form oflogic, no matter how absurd, to support their primitive and misguided ideals.
Also see Imbicile.
16๐ 75๐
An idiot. They believe that they are smarter than everyone else because they don't believe in God, when in reality all they are are moronic, conflict-loving attention-whores.
Atheist: I'm so smart because I don't believe in God
Theist: No you're not. All you want is attention.
15๐ 73๐
A term which in itself is a paradox, because no such thing as an atheist. (To say there is no God you are claiming to know every little thing about the universe, so that you are claiming to be God) It is though, the name given to a group of self-righteous, haughty, science-destroying, liberal, monkey-worshiping jackasses who claim there is no God. They are religious nuts bent on forcing their RELIGION down everyone else's throats. (Don't tell me Atheism isn't a religion. You are putting your faith in a magical explosion which defies about every law of physics there is to occur. Also, a=no the=God ism=belief. The BELIEF or RELIGION that there is no God.) They typically like to think that their "science" makes them smarter than everyone else, when in actuality all of the "science" they have to offer is complete horse shit. They are trying to overtake the world, making them no better than the Communists or the Nazis. They are also known as "liberals", "free-thinkers", "non-theists", and "flat-earthers". (The last name was coined to them because their set of beliefs is against science). I'm not trying to prove my religion, which I am not sharing. I am trying to show the general public the light on these monsters. I know there are some that don't nark on religion all the time, I have friends like that and they are awesome, but it takes one drop of kerosene to ruin a whole bowl of cereal.
Flat-Earther: Because I am an Atheist, I am far more intellectually developed than you. I will deny the laws of thermodynamics to the end, but I am still more scientific than you. Now bow to my religion or else you will be charged for a hate crime.
18๐ 90๐
A Fool. An Immoral and corrupt individual.
Read Psalm 14 and Psalm 53.
Those Psalms say that those(atheists)who deny a creator are Fools.
27๐ 150๐
"A strong minded person who has dedicated himself to a disbelief in god based on roughly the same amount of evidence a religious follower uses to dedicate himself to a belief in god."
Yes,however it is more "scientific" to suppose that God does exist until it is disproven than it is to suppose that God does not or cannot exist,without even investigating the possibility.
Why you might ask?
Because the creationist is more closely following and adhering to the scientific method by believing in the concept that God may actually exist as a concept than the atheist is who has already concluded,without even scientifically testing and proving it via the scientific method,that god does infact NOT exist.(No Mr. atheist,we do not know that so let's test using the scientific method rather than just saying "there is no god,don't waste your time on fairy tales." << NOT very scientific!)
In other words God has not been proven or disproven and it is more scientifically sound to suppose that God does exist and test that theory than it is to dismiss that idea without even following the scientific method and actually testing it.The creationist has atleast left the possibility for testing using the scientific method.The atheist has rejected the scientific method altogether by making a premature,prejudical conclusion without even allowing for scientific testing
Thus,to reject god is to reject science!
The creationist supposes the God concept to be a solid concept and thus worthy of further investigation.
The atheist negates science by presupposing that the God concept isn't even conceptually a concept that is worthy of investigating via the scientific method.
Creationist:"God is a concept to be tested scientifically"
Atheist: "there is no god,it's a fairy tale,aren't I scientific?"
The atheist is not only un-scientific but presumes his self to be god because he is able to conclude without even using the scientific method.WOW,the rest of us have to use science but not the atheist.He is above us all, scientists included.For even a scientist has to test his theories.Not so for the atheist!The atheist is omni-potent!
Why even have science or the scientific method if we are going to make decisions without them and then claim to be on the side of science?
Creationist: "I think there is something to this gravity thing,let's investigate it as it's worthy of investigation"
Atheist: "No,it doesn't exist so there's no need to prove it or disprove it or to investigate it.It's just a fairy tale." - "Oh yeah by the way I'm for science,not fairy tales."
43๐ 276๐
confused person; someone who could not tell the truth from delusion;
A stooge believes in something but not God. He is a goddamned atheist.
19๐ 109๐
Another term for Hell Bound. Also used as cum buckets by thorn cocked demons.
Thorn cocked demon: I fucked that atheist so hard last night that my unholy ejaculate of white bees actually shot out his mouth
Leather teated hag: Awesome! stick it to that godless heathen.
62๐ 434๐