When you try to concentrate or perform a task but are unable to because you have too many thoughts racing inside your head
I was trying to get that report done, but I just got to much going on in my head. I guess I just have a classic case of cocaine brain.
Simply some one who is rather dimwitted and stupid or does something, says something idiotic or stupid.
Bob - Where did I put those keys?
Andy - In yer pocket, shrimp brain.
On of the finest pieces of music to come from none other than George Clinton's Funkadelic. It owns your booty
Maggot Brain toe' the roof off'a this hee-ah shizzle, nuh!
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Pinky and the Brain, a show that was first aired as a small sketch with the Animaniacs, are two white lab mice.
Brain, voiced by Maurice LaMarche, was the genius, coming up with inpossible schemes to take over the world.
Pinky, voiced by Rob Paulsen, was the comical side kick with his phrase, "NARF!"
The show itself was aired from 1995-1998, and ran for 65 episodes. PatB won an Emmy for animation in 1996.
Pinky: Gee Brain, What do you want to do tonight?
Brain: Same thing we do every night Pinky: Try to take over the world!
Pinky and the Brain is a classic, anyone would agree.
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When you spend a very long time at the computer, working on your dissertation (or other big project) but come away feeling like you have achieved nothing, but you are also no longer able to function normally. Usually cured by alcohol.
I have so got Dissertation Brain, I've been sat here for 5 hours, have achieved nothing. It's due in in 48 hours :S
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An anecdotal mental state that overtakes women after the first couple months of pregnancy that causes even well composed women to become disorganized and forgetful beyond the any otherwise explainable state. Other than intermittent cognitive lapses, the woman is normally functional. The state is usually temporary, disappearing immediately post-natal but can recur through multiple pregnancies.
Pregnant wife: Honey! Have you seen my car keys? I can't find them.
Husband: I have not seen them but since your car is idling in the driveway I'd assume you left them in the ignition.
Pregnant wife: Grrr. I hate having pregnancy brain!
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A state of mind where you are suffering from information overload or are in such a confused emotional state that you cant think straight
Knotty, wet and messy - you dont wanna be in that state for long, lifes too short
I just crammed all my revising for the year in one day - I know have a bad case of 'spaghetti brain.'
I have spent all day with Angela and she is just such hard work. She has given me 'spaghetti brain' thats for sure.
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