That little chink bitch had some good pussy, only problem it was drier than sandpaper.
a fucking asian bitch who likes big anime titties and big oily black people rubbing each other on a sunday night. chink names can be woojoo, changwook,
that guy is in love with niggers
yeah that guy is definitely a chink who likes it rough
a very stereotypical view on the asian languages (usually by dirty rednecks)
Chinese guy: speaking chinese
Redneck The fuck is he sayin, chink speak?
redneck 2: appears so
When your Asian friend goes to Burger King for lunch, he would be considered a Burger Chink. ESPECIALLY if your Asian friends name is Bruce. Then he would be considered the ULTIMATE Burger Chink!
Yo, you are a Burger Chink man! Go ahead and order yourself a whopper.
When you find a roach in the Chinese food you ordered.
"Yo bro lets order from wok n roll again", nah there cock-a-chink.
Weed or marijuana bought from Darryl Campbell or any associates
Yo bro u got summa that chink bud