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dope lizard

a dope head ( methhead) who looks like a lizard in the face and will do anything for a sack. and will continue to lose lots of weight and will tell everyone they're off the shit

omg did you see diane!!! she's such a dope lizard!!!

by sven cantu March 30, 2008

17👍 4👎



I picked up some dank dope-a-wanna

by Alutions February 18, 2014

Heavy Dope

Things with deep meaning. Slang used in the USMC in the 1990's.

Sergeant Siek: What the F is this? "The stranger from Camus". That's some heavy dope right there, Marine!

by Jarhead0341 January 12, 2021


conj. a blending of the words, Dope: slang for awesomeness, or radness. ie. "It's the real dope....", and delicious...a word we just can't get enough of, hey it IS delicious!

That jackson is dope-alicious, I could rock out to his tunes all night!!

by random andy June 11, 2010


A person who feed their emotional high on gossip and drama.

A person who thinks gossip is factual evidence.
A person that even though is shown documented evidence thinks gossip is the facts of a subject matter.

Unknown to the Drama-dope, they live their life for drama.
Drama-dopes think jokes or fiction stories on Facebook, media sites, or bathroom walls are true life events

A Drama-dope's thought process.
Drama-dope: I seen on FB that JFK is related to Lincoln. I seen their pictures side by side and the look alike.
Drama Dope: I was in the bathroom at a restaurant and written on a piece of bath tissue was "Help I'm being held captive in a TP factory--J Hoffa." I think I should tell the police.

by Justden July 21, 2015

Dope hoe

Someone that will do any kind of favor to get high, like give a ride across town and all the way to riding the dope dealer.

I bet I can get that dope hoe give me a ride to the store before I make them ride me!!

by Skitskat69 July 27, 2019

Weird Dope

A state where a person is dope in a socially less acceptable manner.

Agnes: "Did you watch the video Muslamic Ray Gun?"
Michelle: "Did you see how he spoke?"
*burst out laughing*
Clement: "You guys are weird dope"

by mesodope July 11, 2014