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Goblin Metal

Goblin metal is a small subgenre of metal used by a select few of bands, Namely, NEKROGOBLIKON, which is a group who's theme is entirely set around goblins

Man you should try listening to goblin metal

by Damian Maplewood March 17, 2017

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crack goblin

!. The species of goblins that you see when you are high on acid
!. A really ugly crackhead

You: Shit Man!
Freind: Yo what's up?
You: I think a crack goblin just ran across the street
Freind: Shit M<an! I see it too!

by ilikeeatingbrains June 15, 2006

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anus goblin

Anus goblin. A goblin living within the crevice of ur anus. An insult of the purest idiot.

Donovan: hey
Mike: hey
Donovan: you suck
Mike: your an anus goblin
Donovan: I like cheese.

by Mike Manock February 6, 2005

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Goo Goblin

1. A person who makes a really evil/twisted/disgusting/ugly face while pretending to enjoy the taste of semen (or the fact that they are ingesting semen) by adding a sort of twisted smile to their disgust.

2. A person who is incredibly ugly and suffers such a low self confidence that they will suck anyone off and take the cum right down the throat to please the guy in an effort to appear sexy.

"That blonde chik at the party last night is a goo goblin man, it was really weird."

by slapcore pleaser December 3, 2005

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mind goblin

A phrase, similar to sugma, that is used to troll people.

"Hey, you look like a mind goblin."
"What's a mind goblin?"
"Mind goblin deez nuts!"

by Magooku August 26, 2021

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Chute Goblin

A male who enjoys having their man-meat camping out in the confinements of ass.

Chute Goblins are bizarre creatures.

by Play2fade August 15, 2004

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yeldarb the goblin

a mystical goblin, usually found dwelling deep inside Leroy avenue

tim - have you ever heard of yeldarb the goblin
mike - yeah dude, one time my car broke down on leroy and the damn yeldarb tried to eat my dog.
tim - dude.. that same stuff happened to me but i wasn't so fortunate.
mike - what happened?
tim - lets just say my little kitten didn't leave Leroy.
mike - oh. sorry bro :/

by doolica13 November 6, 2009

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