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lazily smart

you are rick sanchez just cba with it so do the bare minimum required to live

you're lazily smart

by JaiRed801 October 30, 2023

lazily smart

your really intelligent but your always too lazy to do any work and people often give you a bad rep as lazy but in school you can whizz through a test like all the questions are 2+2

1: why are you sleeping you have work to do
2: huh? what? i finished it to Ez
1: omg your lazily smart ain't you

2: zzzzz

by JaiRed801 October 30, 2023

smart pothead

A person that would literally take 2 minutes to answer what 2+2 is because he’s always high AF but takes 1hr doing a test and get a 100 .They Usually haves good grades and like to talk about politics and conspiracy theories when smoking, but stay forgetting what they talking about . Probably some hallucinogens mest up their brain

If our honor student Amy keeps doing LSD and smoking she’s going to end up like a smart pothead.

by Someone from the east March 13, 2018


the art of or being a smart ass.

We were treated like a 3rd grader when the car salesman was trying to sell us the extended warranty with his smart-alecky attitude .

by Highstress February 21, 2016

Smart Jayden

A motherf*cking smart alek who gets everything correct. This person usually doesn’t have any friends.

Stop being a smart Jayden!’

by NightmareDefinitions September 29, 2020

smart chav

non existant, imaginary character

smart chav = fairytale

by Tha Iceman June 25, 2006

24👍 16👎

Smart Parts

A horrorble coporate monster, consuming everything in it's path. Nothing can avoid it's destruction....all will fall victim to the tyrant of sp....see greedy

Smart Parts sued the pope for wearing a hat simialar in shape to an impulse's body....when the sue fell, smart parts instead hired assasins to kill the pope...

by tm April 4, 2005

45👍 35👎