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Thunder Queef

A queef that is as loud as thunder. Can also be used to describe someone who queefs like thunder. Usually a very sexually active girl with a loose vagina.

Ex 1: I heard Greg's girl lets crazy thunder queefs out after sex.

Ex 2: Sterla you are one slutty thunder queef!!!

by GOO May 29, 2005

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Gacho Thunder

A disastrous event causing great distress; largely unfortunate. Gacho thunder is more resounding than Gacho.

Hector: I missed my plane and now I got to wait 6 hours for the next one. Shahin: Gacho thunder

by TuriA April 29, 2011

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Trundle Thunder

1) The noise that occurs when a fat person trundles including the booming of large feet and the screams of people as they are trundled over.
2) A fat person's fart.
3) Any non-voluntary noise associated with a fat person.

Dude, there's so much trundle thunder comin' out of KFC.

by blaa91 April 14, 2008

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Thunder Mifflin

The act of giving a girl an Orgasm while The Office is playing in the background.

Friend: "What did you and your girl do last night?"
"We started out watching The Office and things started to heat up and I ended up giving her a Thunder Mifflin"

by DrCrentist October 26, 2018

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Thunder up

To be ready to fight; To be prepared for an ass-whooping

Tom: I'm gonna knock you the fuck out, punk
Dick: Thunder up, bitch

by A. Kylar March 29, 2016

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thunder force

Thunder Force is a scrolling shooter computer game released by Technosoft in 1983. It is the first game in the Thunder Force series. The structure of the game consists of overhead, free-directional scrolling areas and the player's ship is armed with a main shot to shoot airborne targets and a bomb shot to take out ground enemies.

Thunder Force III was released in 1990 in Japan, Europe, and the US for the Sega Genesis gaming console.

by Cansler October 27, 2007

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Thunder God

One who farts loudly and/or frequently.

1. Listening to Conan's theme song while taking a shit makes me feel like a Thunder God.

2. Everyone make way for the God of Thunder!

by Vlad the >Implier May 9, 2012

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