When you stub your toe then threaten the world with nuclear annihilation
Some mofo cut me off in traffic today so I decided to pack a Putin and put my nuclear arsenal on high alert
When you stub your toe then threaten the world with nuclear annihilation
No body takes me seriously I'm going to pack a Putin
Just "putin on" or" Put'n on"(as in putting on a show) is when a child cry's or perhaps a somewhat spoiled child cry's only to get his or her way from a parent, otherwise nothing really wrong and is mostly ignored by the parent, as oppose to a piercing cry that makes you drop everything you are doing.
She don't want nothing or ain't nothing wrong with her, she's just putin on whining.
Putin’s nickname for Dana Rohrabacher.
Putin’s favorite congressman asked Jordan Thomas Cooper to help write a Jewish New Year greeting for him in 2018. He was the first African-American to write for him.
Russia’s nickname for Dana Rohrabacher
Putin’s favorite congressman hired Jordan Thomas Cooper making him the first African-American speechwriter for his district.
the verb “Putin” refers to taking an object from another and then smoothing it over while you know you’re wrong.
He: You never guess what happened to me last night.
She: What?
He: I was ordering a pizza and Trevor didn’t want anything. When the pizza arrived, he pulled a Putin (Pulling a Putin) on me and ate half of my pizza.
She: Wow, that’s a nasty Putin.
Where you’re so ignorant that you make a fundamental misjudgment and end up killing yourself in a bunker
Looks like Donald Trump is pulling a Putin