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walker middle

Walker middle is a crack head school where kids are over dramatic, stupid, and the principle could care less. The teachers will do weed with you.

Walker middle is the best place to smoke weed.

by mr.crackhead January 19, 2020

box walker

A word to describe a female being a bitch.

Stop being such a box walker!

by Keanydleene June 2, 2019

Frost Walker


"Hey Frost Walker"
"What is this all aboot"

by pizza slayer June 13, 2018

Lauren Walker

Lauren is someone I always want to be around. Whenever I’m in a bad or not feeling it, Lauren’s smile brightens up my mood. Honestly Lauren is the nicest person I’ve met in a while with good intentions no matter what. She puts her friends ahead of herself and acts selfless. Lauren is also very pretty and always something I could stare at for hours without getting bored. It seems to me as if talking to her feels like only 30 mins but in reality is always more. She is someone you should be happy to have in your life because you won’t meet anybody else like Lauren Walker.

Lauren Walker is always so nice

by Roorororoororr November 25, 2019

Do the Walker

The action of taking a seat on a bus from a pregnant or incapacitated person.

I’m gonna do the walker

by Chungus Foreskin January 16, 2020

Walkers Wank

When you spunk into a Walkers ready salted packet, and then enjoy an extra ready salted experience.

Cameron loves to Walkers Wank multiple times while strumming to Gary Lineker before enjoying his salted surprise.

by AhmedJihadsAlot March 19, 2018

Womb Walker

Repeat baby mama or woman who has a child buy a man with multiple preexisting baby mamas.

A woman who wears her heart on her sleeve.

Children are a gift to the men she dates but they just wanted sex.


History of similar familial problems

Denise is pregnant again, that’s her 5th child and the father moved on. She’s a womb walker at this point, 5 kids and 5 fathers.

by Eighty5percent September 1, 2023