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Drake phase

It’s when someone goes thru a heart brake and now there in there deep emotions crying and thinking about life and what ifs

Josh: bro I just broke up with my girl and I don’t think I made the best decision

Kevin: bro your just in your DRAKE PHASE

by El papi chulo December 2, 2018

Drake Stefan

20 year old wizard with dreams to be like Baylen Levine. To bad he’s terrible at YouTube and smells like garbage. Drake will haunt you if he finds you and can kill you with his stench….

Joe: Hey Nick, did you see the new Drake Stefan video on YouTube?

Nick: …

Joe: What?!?!

Nick: We don’t speak of him.. he smells like ass..

by Nuclear Poop March 5, 2022

drake hours

Anytime after 11 pm

Yo, its Drake Hours let me go to bed before I start thinking about my ex hoes

by Drake 1 on 1 July 16, 2015

Spicy Drake

When a guy puts hot sauce in a used condom to kill the sperm and the lady of the evening tries dumping it into her vagina resulting in the burning of the inside

Guy 1: I banged this chick last night and she dumped the used condom into her vag

Guy 2: What did you do?

Guy 1: I dumped hot sauce in it after I was done

Guy 2: Ah, the old Spicy Drake

by Fracfak January 13, 2022

Angry Drake

The act of storming around the office because your women has forced you to adopt a cat and sell your badass boat for a paddle board!

Shane woke up on the wrong side of the bed and is pulling an Angry Drake today.

by Jmovian October 24, 2022

Justin Drake

has the most genaric name ever and he is of the gay people

justin drake is gay
yea i know

by is it just me or r u really ga November 15, 2018

Drake syndrome

The phenomena that occurs when individuals, mainly those who identify as males, project an image of themselves as woke, affluent, and goal-oriented. However, the individual engages in hypocritical behavior where they use their status to gain sexual favors without being in a relationship.

Person 1: Hey friend, I’m really into this guy but I’m not sure he’s into me.

Person 2: He definitely has Drake Syndrome because I saw him with another girl the other day. He acts like he’s so cool, but he’s just trying to find who’s DTF.

Friend 1: Good thing you told me! I don’t want a fuck-boy.

by April 13, 2022