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word wasting

Talking way more than necessary to get the point across. As Mose Allison would say "your mind is on vacation & your mouth is working overtime."

She was talking to hear herself talk, in other words, word wasting.

by mardavet quail January 25, 2014

A waste of dick

When you have such a large penis it's a waste of dick. No one wants it because it would wreck them.

That's a waste of dick my friend....can i have it when you die

by Dickeyrific32 May 1, 2019

Waste baste

To cover yourself in excrement.

I saw a vagrant on the train this morning engage in an act of waste baste. Commuters were dry wretching and there was corn in his nose.

by Zonal K September 24, 2019

Kalamazoo Wasted

The level of alcohol intoxication that you can only reach when you are in the college town of Kalamazoo Michigan.

Bro I was straight up the definition of kalamazoo wasted after you gave me 5 of those LBJ's.

by jvan45 February 18, 2013

wall waste

the people who stand with their arms crossed against the walls at a hardcore show, like a wall flower but more wussy

Hey look at all those wall waste just standing there against the wall grilling the band judgmentally while everyone else is going ape.

by El Phantasmo April 19, 2011

Waste of time

The ex your still talking to

Karen: I still talking to my ex

Rachel: your ex is a waste of time drop him

by Dumbbitch1102 April 27, 2020

Wasted Confidence

The confidence that a usually very shy person gets when drunk.

To be shy until you get wasted related to drunk say.

Confidence that's useless to have because you are intoxicated therefore it does not improve your nerdy state.

Brenda is usually a very shy sweet but self-conscious girl, until John got her drunk.

John to Bill: Jill has all this confidence tonight...I like!

Bill: Bro its just wasted confidence she's still shy and awkward.

by Demenyaca June 4, 2010