The habit to smoke weed only on 3 days a week and with this act defining your personal 3-day-weekend at the same time.
On the other hand it's a rule, which helps stoners to keep 4 productive days to live the creative ideas the weed consumption in the other 3 days gave them.
The rule descents from the seek of balance, the constant lookout for keeping Ying and Yang in whatever sort of equilibrium.
If the rule is applied in a strict way, a day counts as as weed day whenever a first consumption takes place no matter what time of the day it is.
I tried straight edge some time, but now I am doing the 3-day-weed-week.
You know what they say... 3 minutes too late🤷 ♀️💯
“Carlos you’re 3 minutes too late”
Haiden has a GIANT Penis.
Evan is one sexy motherfuxker.
Jordan Hall Floor 3
Wow Haiden has a huge Penis!
Omg I’m going to Cum, Evan is coming.
When a man or woman say you won’t last 3 minutes they probably might mean it sexually and basically they are talking about your stamina during sexual intercourse.
Women: You won’t last 3 minutes 😏
Men: you wanna bet on it?
It is a symbol to nearby females in close proximity that they are not to flirt with him because they are loyal to people called tilly
He’s Holding 3 fingers up, he must be loyal
This term refers to a form of necrophilia which bears resemblance to act 5 scene 3 of Romeo and Juliet. It goes as follows: Two men go to a graveyard each with a sword. They dig up the corpse of any female in the graveyard. They then proceed to sword fight until someone dies. The winner will have sex with the corpse of the female, and that of the poor man who he has just brutally slaughtered over who gets to bone a rotting corpse. He will then kill himself to replicate the scene in the play.
"You heard about those two guys that died?"
"Yeah, they were doing act 5 scene 3."
A phrase used that indicates a few years, but not as much as "back in the day."
Kari: "Remember when you made it with Jeff? EW!!!"
Lori: "That was like 3 phones ago, bitch! I'm not like that anymore!"