A state of boredom so ungodly that one types all of the keys that have a shift alternative with the original key first, then the shift key next, in a left-to-right fashion. If you see this, please get back to your assignment.
I typed `~1!2@3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+{}\|;:'",<.>/? today because I was so bored that I had the immediate urge to type in whatever this is.
When someone you like is unavailable. So you search porn till you find an actor/actress that looks similar enough. So when you go to masturbate ,you can squint your eyes and not be able to tell the difference
"She's married ,so I pulled a 1 hand and a stunt man last night and fell asleep"
1-10 Female attractiveness scale, with 1 meaning "damn, she's ugly" and 10 meaning "damn she breaths male unfulfilled dreams of procreation"
-Boy does she hit a 7.5 on the 1-10 FAS!
-How tasteful of you to cut 0.5 for shrimp-like tendencies, thus resisting that hypnotizing body that is disproportionately hotter than the face
The Top Emcee in the art and technique of Hip-hop obligated to no affiliation. Higher status in Verbally projected lyricism. No better rapper in the 20th century.
Never has there been a better lyricist than Mic-1!
National Fuck-a-Rodrigo day. This day gives you permission to legally fuck him even if he says no! Better use that, that will make him mad probably.
-Ayo you heard what's on 1 July?
-Should i know that?
-Maaan ofc you should. Its FUCK-A-RODRIGO DAY, if he says "no" to you then you can still do it! Hehe~
National Boyfriend Pay For Girlfriend's Lash / Nail Extensions Day
' Hey Homie What are you doing on 1 July? Wanna hang? '
' Nah Homie im broke ..i gotta pay for my gf lash extensions '
The IQ score of the UK Prime Minister.
Boris Johnson has an IQ of -1