The most handsome asian boy you've
Seen in your life. He gets all the fuckin hotties.
Girl 1: I just texted Jun!!
Girl 2: But i just texted James Chung.
Girl 1: Your so fucking lucky!!!
When you refer to the superiority of Google products so often and intensely, it creates a singularity to which no obsolete format escapes.
Person Puling an Alexander James: "Oh have you seen my newest Google pixel it? It surpasses your technology.
Random person: "Bro stop Pulling An Alexander James, I'm getting sucked into a singularity because of it"
James is Nunnally. Not Mike. Not LeBron.
Hey, did you watch the basketball game last night?
>Yes, it was amazing, King James even hit the game winner!
The tall ass mf with the biggest dick on planet earth mine as well be black
james hudson has a long scholng
you sure are james da costa brookes ( A pretty radical guy)
a complete meany head who’s a dummy head and a bukake who I love v much.