1. Obviously Photoshoped image.
2. Something that is completely and undeniably fake.
That picture of the dwarf being shot out of the hippo's left nostril is totally rocks are too big.
21đź‘Ť 8đź‘Ž
A female who wears short shorts, cowgirl boots, and will blow anyone with a UTV/ Rock Bouncer. Often found clinging to top drivers or getting railed in the woods. Hangs around a bunch of guys because she “hates drama”. Smells of rotting flesh and Victoria’s Secret perfume. Listens to country music and claims shes not a whore but gets bounced around friend groups like Bobby Tanner on Cable Hill. -DDR
If Ol’ girl doesn’t answer the phone until the racers go trail riding...She’s probably a rock racing roach.
15đź‘Ť 5đź‘Ž
When you take one of those shits that sounds like you just through a bunch of rocks into a lake.
Did you hear Ryan dumping rocks in a lake when he was in the bathroom?
Washing your dick in the bathroom sink after sex.
A rock star shower is a quick and efficient way to get to sleep quickly and not have a stinky dick.
A person who is a thooter but also punk rock
“Stop being a punk rock thooter”
“You look like a punk rock thooter”
Something you do in class when bored, getting over it
Oi get of hammer on the rock game!
climbing boys are the hottest of all boys. they are strong, hot, and most of all the nicest boys in the world. because of this everyone wants to date them.
person 1 “did you see that rock climbing boy?“
person 2 “ikr, he’s so hot!”
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