World inhabited by Cryptoon Goonz of all types, who share common Goon values and love Goatcloaks art.
Goonz World is a blue chip project.
"The World Is A Marble Heart" a song by the band AJR on their album "Living Room"
The World Is A Marble Heart is a song used to express the jealously after a breakup
The World Is A Marble Heart is such an amazing song!
i can show you the worlddd :)
ahahah slay
i can show u the worldddd, shining shimmering splendid
A fictitious secret government organization that controls: media, politics, economy, healthcare, and more in the Carlos Lerma universe.
The World Habitants' Authority and Trust Corporation (WHAT Corp.) took Logan Wright in to bargain silence after he found the cure for cancer.
The time period of era where everything went chaos due to only one good ol' cause;
cupidity and selfishness between major european countries.(well done to Britain, Russia and Germany!)
Son: Mom, what's World War I? It sounds like a bad word..
MOM: That's just a nonsense son. You don't have to care about it now - it's NOT EVEN gonna happen in the future, anyway.
Son: Really? What about that crazy old grandpa with a shitty orange face?
MOM: Who are you talking about? Did you mean some guy who usually appears at a Walmart commercial?
Son: No.. he was wearing a uniform.. and said he's "gonna make our country great again.".
MOM: oh... NOW THAT SOUNDS LIKE A World War 3.
The war where everyone blamed Germany, even though they didn't even start it.
An MMORPG released in September 2021. Created by Amazon, the game features a vast array of “things to do”. As a player myself I do find it extremely addictive. Starting to think coke is mild compared to this life sucking experience.
“Hey what’s your logging at?”
“I’ve deforested half the province of Everfall for 4 straight hours and I’m only at 31”
“Wow! I love new world!”