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Facebook attorney

Someone who thinks they went to Harvard. Also known as a liar liar pants on fire

Shaun king is a Facebook attorney

by Donut was right October 10, 2020

Facebook Bonus Program

A program that a few lucky creators are chosen based on their views. Creators can also get paid for there content in this program.

I hope I can join the Facebook Bonus Program.

by Quentin Lambert July 20, 2022

facebook spitting

only talking crazy with girls or extremely wanted people on facebook.

facebook spitting- never said anything till facebook. they didn't say anything to me for years we saw each other daily at school. now they spit on me on the facebook.com

by frameshift September 30, 2018

The New Facebook

Slow. Often works over time to achieve the same result as the "old". In many cases, it evokes finger tapping on laptop keys caused by a release of adrenalin due to the fact that one should be typing already.

Sorry I'm late. The New Facebook ate up all my time.

by Julia Gulia (yep..same person) January 13, 2011

facebook night shift

Facebook night shift is what is completed when someone makes many posts during the nighttime

“OMG have you seen how many FB posts Natalie made after we went to bed?” , “Yes she’ appears to have chronicled our entire night out during her Facebook night shift

by Big Jack's Bollocks January 23, 2018

facebook only family

A family on Facebook that people create so they don't have to do anything in real life. Includes tagging photos as if they were really there , Posting Past pics and liking all your family photos but Haven't seen them in years..

Facebook only family's crack me up.

by crazyhadenough June 10, 2014

Facebook Lizard

If Facebook lizards see little or no value in you then they will delete your friend request. When you try to talk to them in person they run away from you like scared little lizards. They are rude, cold blooded reptiles who size you up as if you are an insect.

She is such a Facebook Lizard! I want to tell her that I am not an insect and ask her if she is a lizard.

by non-reptilian September 22, 2017