ok, so y’all know fraternal twins. well two-egged is the same but it’s been translated from german to english (zweieiig) which means two-egged
Simone: What is the non identical twin thing called?
Valentina: two-egged?!
Two Weeks
(aka "twooooo weeeeksss") meaning: extremely ugly & typically used to describe a very obese woman or an average weight female whose face is beyond fugly.
Two Weeks is particularly useful when you want to alert your buddy about a chick that's not hot yet is within earshot.
Dude #1: Twooooo weeeeeksss! (while saying this, he discreetly points his thumb in her direction)
Dude #2: Yep, that chick is too heavy and I agree is definitely Two Weeks
The five two - COVID-19. Typically used to avoid saying the word due to content restrictions on YouTube or other media sharing sights, or as a playful way of mentioning the topic.
Call me when the five two's over. We'll get up to speed with each other.
A bio teacher at a redneck high-school in middle of know where Michigan who should probably go back to his frat.
This teacher drinks water out of an oversized red solo cup and is most likely the worst teacher in the tri-county area
common phrases
1.)"you are literally stupid if you don't understand this"
2.) "what was that?... if you have a problem w/ my teaching you can leave"
3.) " Guys.....GUYS LISTEN!!! i know i only told you're only allowed to use one website but for god, sakes use more"
4.) "I'm really proud of you guys... the class average was a 66% that's the highest you've ever got"
5.) "That's a misconception and if you didn't know that you're actually dumb "
6.) "did you watch the playoffs last night"
this teacher is the ONLY bio teacher in our low budget public high school
>this is due to the fact that that our other bio teacher is now a register sex offender
Student opinions on sucky teacher number 2
"This bio teacher stans honest queens and only hits on seniors and thick girls." -grade 9
"he never talks about it but his girlfriend broke up with him while he was proposing (kinda fun kinda fresh)"- grade 11
"This frat boy bio teacher also likes to get lit on the weekend with Thick cloud"-grade 10
"his facial hair looks like rat pubes were glued to his face " -grade 10
"he is always on his iPhone 6s looking at his exes install or the senior girl's sb 19 pics"-grade 12
I fucking hate Sucky Teacher Number Two
When someone acts friendly to your face but the moment u turn your back they talk shit about u
Tiffany: I cant believe Nathans girlfriend would go with him his so ugly. (Sees Nathan on the other aile) Oh hey Nathan how are u doing buddy.
Me and my friend: shes so two faced
Someone who pretends to be somebody’s friend and then talks shit about them behind their back
That guy is a two faced little bitch. The other day, he was laughing and joking with that guy. Now he’s over there talking shit about him.