“The Super Secret Gayer Language” is a language made by Ray Avellaka and Max that can only be learned if you meet the goddesses themselves.
I met the goddesses that made the Super Secret Gayer Language
I suck a gigantic meteor super dick ohh yeah.s
A nice acronym to call someone, especially with commending adjectives before it.
T- Talented
H- Honourable
O- Out of this world
T- Tremendous
"Scarlett is a super ultra mega thot"
"I know right?"
A cat That acts like a Jaguar and is a super secret spy
Meghan: Thats my cat nudgie, he is a super secret spy Jaguar
Kira:Whats that?
A girl usually who has her head so far up in the clouds that she is in space. A dumb girl.
Dude she has her head in the cloud practically up in space. She's a real super duper space cadet.
A game released on the wii, it was very good and I liked it, but I liked DS mario better but its still fun.
person 1: hey what you playing
person 2: NEW supers mario bros.wii its very fun you should join me.