A phrase that turns a lot of things into dick jokes
Man 1: that thing is long
Man 2: That's what she said
Refers to the latest news/updates about your friends and relatives. Another word for What's Up which is very common in tech world.
John - Hey Ray, What's Your Cover ?
Dave - I am just done with my dinner.
People use this term to show how flabbergasted they are about what you just did\said
Someone: My dad got me pregnant 🙄
You: what da fawk 😃
How people in the south side of Chicago say hello
whats pimping motherfucker
Fuck you say to me.
The female equivalent of "what's his name?" when trying to remember someone's name.
Oh my God, like that girl we met at that party...you know?...What's her tits, there.
another way of saying what's up/good
He texted me and was like " what it do jiggaboo ?"
used to describe something or someone that "turns you on" aka makes you horney af , thas can be many different things for different people.
ps. if furrys turn u on I hate you
wow look at her what a real turn on