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Cadbury sea cakes

Hot delicious steamed salmon oozing with caramel and fish oil... Covered in heavy chocolate, and doused in cod liver oil.... The outer shell is stuffed with fish entrails and heavy, vanilla creame.

"I needs my cadbury sea cakes now bitch"

by Bill Gates August 7, 2004

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cake and ice cream

A term often used to refer to an inside joke; creating an inside joke within an inside joke.

Man, that party had so much cake and ice cream, it's hard to remember it all!

by Bobzco December 5, 2011

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crab cakes and soccer

(See deffinition for "Run Train")

"we ran train on their football team last night, just like crab cakes and soccer"

by Spartin3015 January 9, 2008

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Pineapple upside down cake

1 a delicious type of cake
2 you shove pineapples or if she is tight slices in her vagina till no more can fit then you grab her ankles and hold her upside down

1 i baked Carol a pineapple upside down cake
2 i pineapple upside down caked Laura last night

by Boblin Painsby March 18, 2009

14๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

German chocolate cake coffee

"German chocolate cake coffee" is when you fuck a girl suffering from diarrhea in the ass, then pull out and come in her mouth while shouting "Sieg heil" and giving the Nazi salute.

I served my girl up some German chocolate cake coffee last night for Yom Kippur, and boy was she pissed!!!!

by library crew September 28, 2006

30๐Ÿ‘ 63๐Ÿ‘Ž

piece of cake, piece of pie

To say I love you to someone and they say it back without both of you wanting true commitment, or niether of you are ready to say "I love you" yet.

(Girlfriend and boyfriend are finishing up talking on the phone)
Anna: Babe, I'll talk to you tomorrow.
Dave: Ok.
Anna: Piece of cake, piece of pie.
Dave: Piece of cake, piece of pie.
(both hang up the phone)

by Sha-Ni October 11, 2007

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Gerbilled Chocolate Cake Martin

Stuff a piece of frozen chocolate cake in the ass like a dildo then thaw it and eat it covered in butt drool.

That girl I gave the Gerbilled Chocolate Cake Martin to last night freaked after I told her the cake she just ate was in her ass last night.

by Richard Kraft August 28, 2006

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